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🚀 SQLMap Tutorial

Iniciado por WIитX, Noviembre 20, 2017, 11:17:59 PM

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  • 📘  Nombre del libro: SQLMap Tutorial
    📃  Descripción: This tutorial is made for explaining the usage of SQLMAP for beginners. I do know there is something called documentation (you know that -h option?), but honestly: How much wouldn't you pay to have a nice tutorial explaining how the different options relate to one another for every program there is? People will argue that skids read this to do fucked up things on the Internet and help on their epeen-ego, i am just going to state that if skids manage to run sqlmap in a cmd (windows) or terminal (linux) they should be capable of learning this no matter what, which it why i am not explaining how to run Backtrack or any other linux distro, and tell them what to write in the CMD/Terminal....THAT would be helping skids.


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