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Quick start guide - Linux

Iniciado por WIитX, Octubre 21, 2015, 07:20:01 PM

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  • Desconectado
  • Requirements

    • Micro SD Class 10 - 8GB +
    • HDMI to HDMI or HDMI to DVI
    • Ethernet cable (Optional)
    • DC Power Adapter
    • Audio lead (Optional)
    • DC Power Adapter


    Insert your TF card into your computer. The size of TF should be larger than the OS image size, generally 4GB or greater.
    Format the TF card.

    Run fdisk –l  /dev/sdx command to check the TF card node.

    Run umount /dev/sdxx to unmount all the partitions of the TF card.

    Run sudo fdisk /dev/sdx command to configure TF card. Use o command to delete all partition of TF card and use n command to add one new partition. Use w command to save change.

    Run sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdx1 command to format the new created partition of TF card as FAT32.

    (x should be replaced according to your TF card node)

    You can also jump this step under Linux, because write image command dd under Linux will format the TF card automatically.
    Download the OS image from the Downloads webpage.
    Unzip the download file to get the OS image (exclude android os image,android os image need other burn mode.).

    Run unzip [path]/[downloaded filename] command.

    If the filename extension is .tgz, run tar zvxf [path]/[downloaded filename] command.

    Ensure that neither the file name of the image you're using or the path contain any spaces (or other odd characters, for that matter).
    Write the image file to the TF card.

    Run sudo fdisk –l  /dev/sdx command to check the TF card node.

    Verify if the hash key of the zip file is the same as shown on the downloads page (optional).
    sha1sum [path]/[imagename]

    This will print out a long hex number which should match the "SHA-1" line for the TF image you have downloaded.

    Run umount /dev/sdxx to unmount all the partition of the the TF card

    Run sudo dd bs=4M if=[path]/[imagename] of=/dev/sdx command to write image file to TF card. Wait patiently to successfully complete writing. Please note that block size set to 4M will work most of the time, if not, please try 1M, although 1M will take considerably longer. You can use sudo pkill –USR1 –n –x dd command to check progress
    (x should be replaced according to your TF card node)
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